
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sweet Corn and Blueberry Waffles

Sweet Corn and Blueberry Waffles

Sometimes it takes my subconscious a bit of time to catch up with the rest of my brain.

The other day I was looking at a recipe round up email digest when these cornmeal waffles with a blueberry compote caught my fancy.  I thought I'd throw some of my freezer stash of blueberries into the cornmeal waffles instead of a compote on top.  Then I thought I'd toss in some frozen sweet corn that I'd also put up, because for some reason sweet corn and blueberries sounded good.

What I didn't realize, until the day after I'd made these, was that I'd taken the flavor combo from this amazing corn, cucumber, and blueberry salad and stuck it in a waffle iron.  Without the cucumber--cucumber waffles do not sound appealing.

Corn and blueberries are amazing together.  The salad was delicious, as are these waffles.  I love fresh corn, and fresh blueberries, in the summer.  When you have them both fresh in your kitchen, I recommend making the salad.  I'm not much of a chunky waffle fan (and my son cannot stand oozing blueberries in his waffles) so I knew I wanted to chop up the frozen corn and blueberries from my freezer stash into smaller bits.  When you have both corn and blueberries frozen, I recommend making these waffles.  Besides, I tend to prefer summer salads and winter waffles.  And alliteration.  You do what you like.

Note:  these waffles are a bit softer straight out of the iron than other waffles that I've made.  Flip 'em over--they'll be sturdy enough for the buttery spread and real local maple syrup.  These freeze well and can be toasted for weekday breakfasts.  I tripled the recipe and made waffles for 7 hungry folks with 2 breakfasts worth of leftovers, but I'm sharing the recipe that serves 2-3 folks.

Sweet Corn and Blueberry Waffles (serves 2-3)

1/2 cup frozen sweet corn (or fresh, but make sure you've eaten your fill of the fresh stuff on the cob)
1/2 cup frozen blueberries (ditto--except for the cob part)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups (360 ml) buttermilk
3 Tablespoons oil
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cornmeal (I had white on hand)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon Penzey's Baking Spice

Pulse the frozen corn and blueberries in a food processor until finely chopped.  Set aside.  In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, buttermilk, oil, brown sugar and vanilla together until thoroughly combined.  Dump the dry ingredients on top, and whisk until nearly combined.  Stir in the chopped corn and blueberries.  Walk away.
When you're ready to cook, preheat a waffle iron (I have this one and like it) and follow manufacturer's directions for the amount of batter and length of time to cook.  I baked mine on the middle setting, and it took about 2 to 2 1/2 cups of batter to fill the entire pan.

Do cucumber waffles sound appealing to you?

These waffles are shared with the Wednesday Fresh Foods Link Up at Gastronomical Sovereignty, What's In The Box at In Her Chucks, the From the Farm Blog Hop,  Laura's Strange But Good at Sprint2TheTable, the Clever Chicks Blog Hop, and Tasty Tuesdays.


  1. These look delicious, Kirsten! I love the idea of cornbread waffles.

    1. Annemarie,
      I'm grateful to Alanna for sharing the corn, cucumber, and blueberry salad in the first place, since that flavor combination is delicious.

  2. Ooh, what a clever little flavor combination. One that just screams "summer," too, which I love. I could definitely go for these for breakfast tomorrow. Do you deliver? =)

    1. Amy,
      I've tried to deliver pizza--it's a daunting prospect! I can't imagine waffles.

  3. Would I ever have thought of corn and blueberries together in waffles? I don't think so! What an inspired combination. Of course, corn season here in the Northeast is so brief that we tend to eat every bit of corn straight off the cob. Some good quality frozen corn might have to stand in for fresh.

    1. Lydia,
      I'm surrounded by folks unable to eat corn *on* the cob (braces off next year!) so I put up almost all of the corn we get (I surreptitiously eat one or two cobs, can't resist), but yep--frozen corn works great in this.

  4. yum. I just made oat waffles using ground steel cut oats.

    1. Marlene,
      I love waffles--that sounds delicious to me.

  5. I'd take these over cucumber waffles any day. :)
    We made zucchini waffles today!

    1. Aimee,
      Zucchini waffles sound delicious to me. I have a Nutella zucchini muffin recipe coming up, but you've got me thinking those flavors would be delicious in a waffle.

  6. I really like this flavor combo. It sounds so, so good. This is a fantastic idea!! And, yes, keep the cucumbers. :-)

    1. Kate,
      The cucumbers are delicious with the corn and blueberries in Alanna's salad--but yeah, buttery spread and maple syrup and cucumbers just don't go.

  7. Brilliant. Love everything about this. Can't wait to try it out. We're going blueberry picking on Saturday.

    1. Pamela,
      I hope you had a successful blueberry hunt! (Now I'm thinking of Blueberries for Sal, "kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk"). Blueberries are so easy to put up and enjoy throughout the year.

  8. Okay, I have always hated blueberries/berries/fruit in pancakes and waffles (I completely understand your son...) but never thought to chop them up and try it that way! Genius. I'd also try a cucumber waffle. I feel like you could blend cukes and use them in the liquid portion and end with a refreshing waffle option--more of a savory waffle than a sweet one, to use like cornbread. Umm, a cucumber waffle dunked into a summertime veggie chili? I'd eat that.

    1. Allie,
      Now you're inspiring me--that's a great idea to blend up cucumbers! Think of the possibilities--muffins, pizza dough . . .
      You're brilliant.

  9. I need a waffle maker!!! My first thought was the sweet corn and blueberry salad I posed 2 weeks ago... I think I could blend spinach into this batter and make that salad into pancakes. :)

    1. Laura,
      Yes, you do need a waffle maker. I loved my George Forman Grill one for years until one side broke (hard to cook waffles with only 1 hot element) and it took a few attempts to get another waffle iron that works as well as that George did.
      Your corn and blueberry salad looks amazing--and you are welcome to take the Pancake Queen mantle from Heather for a spell, as that salad in pancake for would be da bomb.

  10. Love this flavor combination! Thanks for linking up with What's Cookin' Wednesday!!

    1. Karly,
      Thanks for hosting a terrific link party!

  11. Cucumber and waffles does not sound good to me, but sweet corn and blueberries absolutely does. I love the creativity even if it partly comes from a salad. Hell, we're all inspired by something.
    It's a pity I don't have a waffle maker (or a pizza stone). Guess I'll just have to come over for a visit. ;)

    1. Meghan,
      See, this is why you're so good at the yolk . . . . photos--no distractions of making waffles for breakfast, you can concentrate on eggs. And muffins.
      You're welcome to visit--though I will have to obsess about the cleanliness of my floors if you do.

  12. Blueberries and fresh corn, yes. In waffles, yes. Cucumbers and waffles, no. But I am also not a big cucumber fan. They do add a fresh note to salads...wonder if you would even taste them, in say, a spiced waffle batter? Let me know how your experiments turn out! ;)

    1. Sarah,
      Spiced waffle batter, you say? Well, when I get cucumbers in the farm share that don't get diverted into the pickle jar, I'll see what I can do. Pickles are more of a priority around here than waffles.

  13. I love trying a new and different recipe and your corn and blueberry waffles sure do sound interesting. I can't wait to try them. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

    1. Kathy,
      Thanks for hosting the Clever Chicks!

  14. Very interesting flavors and textures as well!I commend your creativity! Thank You for sharing! I came over to visit you from Dizzy Busy and Hungry's party!
    Have a beautiful week,

    1. Lizy,
      Thanks for your kind words.
      I appreciate you stopping by!

  15. Yummity, yum, yum, yum...I can taste these right now. What a great way to eat your fruits and veggies!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up :)

    1. Heather,
      Thanks for featuring my waffles on What's In The Box!

  16. Oh very interesting! I can't say that I'm entirely convinced yet, but I'm going to let it roll around in my noggin for a bit! :) Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!

    1. Anyonita,
      I'd serve you a plate so you can try it out--you'll see, it's a tasty combo!
      Thanks for hosting!

  17. That's a combination that not many would think of, but it sounds delicious! Fresh picked corn and blueberries from your local farm have so so much flavor and put together- yum!

    1. Ellen,
      There's just something about grown for flavor, not ability to emerge from the traveling container looking pretty.
      Thanks for stopping by!

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