
Friday, September 20, 2013

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index

There is no recipe in today's pizza post.
If you came here looking for your weekly pizza fix--thank you, thank you, thank you.  I really appreciate that you took time out of your day to come here to my blog!
After about 52 weeks of posting a pizza recipe every Friday, I decided that my pizza category over there ----> on my drop down recipe index by category was getting sort of unwieldy. [You'd think I'd spent many years working in libraries or something with my love of indexes and categories. You'd be right.]

I decided to take my slowly-growing html skills and try and tackle a Visual Pizza Recipe Index.

I mean, who has seen my first ever pizza post?  [Thanks, Mom, Felicia, Heather, Debbie, Sue . . .]  I don't create these things so that they can be buried in the blog.  I'd like someone to say 'hey, I've got spinach and leftover turkey, can I make a pizza with it?' and be able to search for ideas here as well as Google.

I broke this index down into four categories.

I've got recipes for pizza doughs (from the rather plain 'buttermilk' dough to the exotic 'beet' dough).

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index | Farm Fresh Feasts

I've got recipes for pizzas with fruit (interestingly, what some would say is the typical pizza fruit, pineapple, does not appear in this category--yet).

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index | Farm Fresh Feasts

I've got recipes for pizzas that include meat toppings (and my lovely little fishies too).

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index | Farm Fresh Feasts

I've got recipes for pizzas that include no meat (or optional meat).

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index | Farm Fresh Feasts

Enough teasing with the screen shots, though I do appreciate my kids teaching their old mum how to take a screen shot.  Here's where to find the Visual Pizza Recipe Index!

And I'll leave you with one of my spouse's favorites from the past year of pizzas:  Turkey Spinach Pesto Pizza.  Oh, please think of this one if you have leftover turkey this fall--it was really yummy and my spouse talked about it for quite some time, wishing that I'd make that one over again.  Perhaps when he returns I'll humor him, but I doubt it since, hey, always a new pizza on the horizon!

Introducing the Visual Pizza Recipe Index | Farm Fresh Feasts

This is shared with the From The Farm Blog Hop,  Clever Chicks Blog HopWednesday Fresh Foods Link UpWhat's Cookin' Wednesday, and What's In The Box.


  1. I love it. It looks great and I can only imagine how much work actually went into this. Quite frankly, I covet your recipe by index catalogue and would do the same myself, except that first step seems a little daunting. One day. Sigh.

    Good luck tomorrow; I'll be rooting for you.

    1. Meghan,
      You know all you've got to do is take the first step, right? That applies both to walking half marathons in the rain and adding recipe links on .

  2. Very nice! What a great resource! I do not have the skills to do such a thing, but I know people who do. :)

    And kudos on 52 pizza recipes! Actually more, because I know there were some weeks you posted more than one. Epic, as my son would say.


    1. Sarah,
      I don't know about great resource, but it does make things more tidy for me, and that makes me happy. Tidiness on the blog = good. In the house . . . . well not so much.

  3. Nicely organized, Kirsten! All looks delicious...eventually I'll be back on grains and flour and I will start tackling some of the earlier ones you've posted before I subscribed to your blog. I've clearly missed out on some excellent combos.

    1. Lucy,
      Thanks for the kind words--much appreciated!

  4. This post makes me happy because it's the gift that keeps on giving :) You go girl!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up...

    1. Heather,
      The gift that keeps on giving . . . me extra work each Friday to update it. . .

      Thanks for hosting!
