
Friday, March 14, 2014

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping

Summer peaches nestled under a snappy ginger oat nut topping make a surprising crumb-topped pie.

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping | Farm Fresh Feasts

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I blog about seasonal eating--using the produce from my garden and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm share to feed my family.  It's March, it's Pi day, so why am I sharing a recipe featuring peaches?

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping | Farm Fresh Feasts

One of the primary ways I make the most of our seasonal produce is by putting the abundance up for winter use.  Last summer, when our peach tree was laden with vanishing fruit courtesy of the Certified Wildlife who must have read the Habitat sign Carla posted about making--and putting up--peach pie filling.  Since my daughter and I had been over to glean a friend's heavily laden tree, above,  I had a bunch of peaches when I read the post.  I followed Carla's clear and simple directions and put up several peach pies' worth of filling.  In the winter time, we can enjoy a taste of summer (and enjoy the additional heat in the kitchen) while we're continuing to eat locally.

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping | Farm Fresh Feasts

I really wasn't planning on sharing this recipe today.  Even though the weather swings from sunny and 67 degrees Fahrenheit to accumulating snow back to sunny and 50s over a 3 day period, I'm thinking Spring!  I've got a roasted asparagus pizza and a radish pizza on deck for future Friday Night Pizza Nights.  But yesterday morning, when babbling about what to post today, my neighbor Dawn said 'but it's Pi day' and I thought, you know, I *do* have a pie recipe to share.  Besides, I've got so many peach pizza recipes for this summer you'd get bored with another peach recipe in August, right?

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping | Farm Fresh Feasts

If you'd like a more savory pie for Pi Day, I gotcha covered.  Last year I shared the food of my spouse's home** in Pasties, A Meat Pie for Pi Day.  I've also shared a Beef and Bok Choy Pie that we enjoy when we've got Bok Choy from the farm share and beef from the freezer.  I'm still chicken on the concept of homemade crust, though.  My achilles heel.

If you came here looking for a Friday Night Pizza Night, I gotcha covered there as well.  Here's my Visual Pizza Recipe Index, and it's broken up my categories that make sense only to me:  recipes for pizza dough, recipes for pizzas with fruit, recipes for vegetarian pizzas, and recipes for pizzas with me.  Homemade pizza crust?  So NOT my achilles heel.

For more recipes using peaches, please see my Peach Recipes Collection. It's part of the Visual Recipe Index by Ingredient, a resource for folks like me eating from the farm share, the farmer's market, the garden, the neighbor's garden, and great deals on ugly produce at the grocery store.

I'm sharing more recipes on my Pinterest boards, follow me there. If you like a good peek behind the scenes like I do, follow me on Instagram. Need a good read? I'm sharing articles of interest on my Facebook page, follow me there. Want to know How to Use This Blog?

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping | Farm Fresh Feasts
You may notice that there's a bunch of homework underneath my ingredients.  My 'photo studio' is my daughter's homework table.  Most of the time we play nicely together . . .
NOTE: This recipe is not gluten free as written, because I used a pie crust, oats, and gingersnap cookies with gluten. To adapt this recipe for a gluten free diet please substitute the gluten free pie crust, oats, and gingersnap cookies of your choice.
Check labels to confirm that your other ingredients are also gluten free. Good sources for determining gluten free products can be found here:

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping


  • 16 gingersnap cookies
  • ¾ cup rolled oats
  • ¾ cup chopped walnuts
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons butter, at room temperature
  • 1 bag Chocolate Moosey Peach Pie filling, thawed if frozen
  • 1 single pie crust (yes, I'm still using the box)


  1. Place cookies in a food processor, and pulse until they are broken into small pieces.  
  2. Add in oats, nuts, and brown sugar. Pulse several times until mixed, then add butter and pulse until crumbs are formed (this makes enough topping for 2 pies plus a sundae).
  3. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  4. Lay pie crust into a pie pan (mine is 10 inches). 
  5. Bake pie crust for 8 minutes covered with foil, then remove foil and bake an additional 5 minutes. 
  6. Remove from oven and reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.  
  7. Pour in pie filling.  
  8. Top with a thick layer of crumble topping (you'll have plenty left).  
  9. Cover edges of pie with foil or your late grandma-in-law's pie rings.  
  10. Bake 25 minutes, then remove foil and bake another 25 minutes.  
  11. Cool on a rack--good warm or at room temperature, and especially yummy with salted caramel ice cream, if you are within reach of a pint of Graeter's.

**. . . and earned the best search term ever "my husband wants me to wear pasties"

Peach Pie with Ginger Crumble Topping | Farm Fresh Feasts

This post is shared with the Clever Chicks Blog HopTasty Tuesdays, Fresh Foods WednesdayWhat's Cookin' Wednesday,


  1. I still giggle over that search engine phrase. :)

    How about you send me some pizza dough and I'll send you some pie crusts. :)
    I've got peaches in the freezer so I'm thrilled you posted a peach pie recipe this time of year.

    1. Meghan,
      And thank you--I was feeling sheepish (Aladdin, anyone?) for posting peaches in March, so I appreciate the vote of 'I have this in my freezer'!

  2. Ha! That search term is amazing, people are so funny. I'm completely jealous of your pie filling, I have to freeze some fruit this summer! Sounds lovely, especially the ginger in there.

    1. Abby,
      Carla's recipe is so easy (and she's got other pie fillings on her site if you're in the mood for, say, apple pie filling to have on hand). Thanks!

  3. Okay, reading your post through made the title make much more sense. At first I was like, "where the heck is she finding good peaches???!" I should have guessed that they were from your frozen stash. Looks awesome! :)
