
Friday, June 5, 2015

CSA Recipe Index Revamped, and Garlic Scape Pesto Pizza with Mushroom, Artichoke, Pepper and Red Onion

CSA Recipe Index Revamped, and Garlic Scape Pesto Pizza with Mushroom, Artichoke, Pepper and Red Onion

A loaded vegetarian pizza with mushrooms, artichokes, yellow peppers and red onions on a garlic scape pesto-slathered crust. Plus--an expanded Visual Recipe Index by Ingredient, now with recipes from all sorts of bloggers!

I had a "duh" moment the other day. My goal of making my blog a resource for people like me looking for recipe ideas for their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm share, farmer's market, or garden abundance would be closer if I included recipes from other bloggers in my Visual Recipe Index by Ingredient.

I sure don't have the lock on the best recipes using farm share ingredients, with the possible exception of my Sautéed Beet Greens and Spring Onions with Egg breakfast/brunch, which I happen to think is the world's best way to enjoy beet greens.

Everyone's tastes are different, so having a central location to see a wide variety of recipe ideas for whatever ingredient you're dealing with can only help. I hope the bigger and better Visual Recipe Index by Ingredient will enable more people to have a successful farm share season and keep coming back to their chosen farmers for more. Why is my family embarking on our 10th CSA season? Fresh food tastes good!

Now, I am one person with kids at home for the summer and dogs who require a lot of attention. I'd share a video of Robert Barker and I trying to teach Simon and Vincent how to howl, with mixed success, but I can't figure out how to get it off my son's iPad and onto my laptop. Scroll down for a .gif instead.

I won't have a whizbang revamped recipe index overnight. I've paid a chunk of money [gasp, go buy something on Amazon using my link please] to the good folks at Inlinkz and I'll slowly add to it in a seasonal manner, focusing on produce that is more unique to the farm share/farmer's market. That means garlic scapes right now.

If you check out my Garlic, Garlic Scapes and Green Garlic Recipes Collection you'll find a wide variety of omnivore, gluten free, vegan and paleo recipes contributed by many bloggers. [Every link has been obtained by permission of the blogger.] I've pinned all the links to my Garlic Scapes Pinterest Board, if you like to organize recipe ideas that way. There are many recipes for Garlic Scape Pesto, sure, because that is an excellent way to put up a garlic scape crop for the year--but I've included everyone who contributed because I'm not going to be the one to test and pronounce which is The Best Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe Ever. Taste is subjective.

I have two requests:

  1. If you have, or know of, additional recipes I can add to the index, please shoot me an email and tell me about them. My info is on my About page.
  2. I'd like to know how the Visual Recipe Index by Ingredient works for you on your device. We are a Mac family, and Luddites to boot, so I have no idea how this looks on an Android product or on Chrome or stuff like that. I can't make it better if I don't know what's not working.

I have been sharing pizza recipes, and it's a Friday--the day I traditionally fix pizzas for my family--so since I have a food blog [I almost typed I am a food blog] I will uphold tradition and stop babbling about the new direction for the recipe index and instead share a pizza. 
Keeping it short and sweet, because I've written enough already.

Garlic Scape Pesto Pizza with Mushrooms, Artichokes, Peppers and Red Onion

1 pound pizza dough of your choice
2 to 3 Tablespoons of Garlic Scape Pesto (here's my recipe)
¾ cup chopped fresh mushrooms
½ cup chopped marinated artichoke hearts
½ cup chopped bell peppers
¼ cup diced red onion
1½ cups shredded cheese (I used a blend of fontina, mozzarella, and asiago)

For baking directions, please refer to my Pizza Primer, or my 7 Tips for Making Pizza at Home posts. I'd rather show you dogs running past garlic scapes. I'm sorry I didn't get a shot of Vincent. He's too fast.


  1. We did not get garlic scapes in yesterday's share, although the small shares were loaded with them. I was a bit bummed and then I came home and saw the beginnings of scapes in my own garlic plants growing in the backyard and felt better.

    I love the idea of the giant recipe index combining recipes from all over. You're a genius.

    1. Meghan,
      Ok, that is weird--I don't think I've experienced a CSA that gave different items to small that large shares did not get. Usually large shares get a wider variety or a larger amount of stuff. I have harvested 2 scapes since that first photo I shared on FB a week+ ago, and there are several more in process. Once they are nice and curly I cut 'em, and they store a long time in the fridge while I amass enough for pesto.
      Thanks--I'm looking forward to your ramp and kohlrabi recipes for the next update!

  2. Your pizza is right up my alley. Loaded with fresh veggies that are so yummy picked right out of the garden. This one is a keeper. Thanks.

    1. Alison,
      When I make pizzas nearly every week, it's more interesting and fun for me if I'm trying something new often. I'm always delighted when one turns into a keeper.

  3. I saw garlic scales at the farmers market this past weekend and almost bought some. You inspired me to buy them next time! I just love this time of the year and all of the fresh produce.

    1. Julia,
      I hoard my scapes these days. They are just too versatile and preserve nicely in the freezer. It's a wonderful time of the year!

  4. I have garlic scrapes from my CSA this very moment. Guess what I am making tonight?

    1. Lydia,
      I never know how the timing of posts will work out, so thank you!

  5. Wish I'd received garlic scapes from my CSA, but oh well. I'll look for some when I'm out - would love to try your hummus - sounds really great! Great idea for the recipe index, too. I received kohlrabi and have never used it before!

    1. Patricia,
      I often do a double take when I see kohlrabi at my local Kroger. From an alien-looking vegetable in the farm share box to something frequently on the produce shelf at the grocery store, kohlrabi is coming into it's own. Again. (I learned that my grandma grew it.)
